These days, I enjoy a cool glass of Sweet Tea whenever I can. My new interest in sweet tea has coincided
with my recent interest in the South (the Southeastern US).
Charleston Tea Plantation |
region of the US is more "English" than the South. Americans in the
South emigrated from England, Scotland, and Ireland, where they were
farmers. They continued their farming profession in the South, growing
cotton, tobacco, tea, and the like. These immigrants were used to
drinking tea, but it was too hot in the South to drink hot tea. So, they
cooled the tea and drink. Hence, iced tea (or sweet tea). I'm hoping to
make several trips to the South this year. I got things kicked off with
an impromptu trip to Charleston, South Carolina. More about the South
in another blog.

most of my life, I have been a tea lover. Only recently did I get
interested in coffee (decaf only). Now, I'm back to tea. Here in LA, we
are privileged to drink coffee and tea at Coffee Bean & Tea
Leaf. I'm also very swayed by logos and names of products. So, one day, a
few months ago, I stopped by my local Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf
and noticed an iced tea called "Pacific Coast." This name reminded me of
my July 4th trip to Oregon, where I drove up the Oregon Coast (the most
spectacular part of the Pacific Coast is in Oregon, trust me). Coffee
Bean Pacific Coast tea is similar to Earl Grey, but it's less strong
and has a slight roasted flavor. I can imagine no better tea to drink
when watching the waves in the Pacific on an overcast day in Oregon. I
drank so much Pacific Coast tea that I decided to buy a box and make
Iced Tea at home.
Sweet tea is easy to make.
However, there a few details that can drastically change your tea
tasting experience. One pouch of Pacific Coast tea makes 64 oz of tea.
First I boil the water in a large pot. When the pot boils, I add a pouch
of tea. Now, how long you steep the tea is the key to the taste. More
steeping leads to darker, stronger tea with more caffeine. The
instructions say to steep for 5 minutes. I did this the first time I got
a tea that was too strong for my taste. In my most recent pot of tea, I
steeped for 2 minutes. This tea tastes good, but I think next time I'll
try 2:30 of steeping.

The next step is to add your sugar. It's important to add your sugar
when the tea is boiling so the sugar dissolves well. I used raw sugar
and like the taste. Refined sugar could also be used to get a smoother
taste (I won't judge you). I suppose honey could also be used, although
I'm not sure I like the taste or smell of boiling honey. My first pot of
sweet tea wasn't sweet enough, my latest batch is really close - maybe a
tad bit more sugar.

The next question is what
temperature to serve the tea at. I refrigerate the tea after it cools
down. The next day, when I'm ready to have a glass, I cut 1-2 slices of
lemon and put into a nice glass. I then pour my tea in and leave it out
to warm a little. If the tea is too cold, then, like any cold drink, you
won't get the full taste of the tea. When I'm ready to drink the tea, I
add 2 ice cubes to cool it down. Whenever I see iced tea served, the
glass has ice. So, I add ice. I've been doing some research into whether
there is a difference between cooling a drink via the refrigerator or
via ice. I'm not sure there's a difference. Ice will melt and dilute the
drink, which may be good or bad depending on what you're looking for.
Back to the lemon - I like the lemon for the citrus taste and to lighten
the color of the tea. However, you forgo the lemon and get more of a
tea flavor. If you're going to do that, then you need to be extra
careful not to over steep the tea as the lemon won't be there to mask
this taste.
So where do I go from here? I will experiment with mint and honey. Down the line, I may try peach, raspberry, and other fruit.
So the next time you visit me, there will be a nice, cool glass of sweet tea waiting for you.