Last month, after 5 years, I finally ventured back to the place that I was (5 years ago) only all too happy to leave - my alma mater. The reunion weekend was awesome. It was well-organized from start to finish. The first activity was the best - an evening at Symphony Hall listening to the Boston Pops. This was my first time hearing the Pops and they were fantastic. Even better was the MIT soloist (a junior from Hawaii) who played Rhapsodie in Blue and left the audience speechless. It's nice to see that the MIT musical department continues to attract top talent. I

also took a tour of Fenway park and learned all about the storied stadium. I wish I had gone to a Red Sox game when I was a student - in 5 years, I can't believe I never went! I visited the Haystack Observatory at Lincoln Labs - where they receive radio waves from the universe and try to understand what they mean. Aside from the events, I found time to catch up with some of my friends and wander the campus, Cambridge, and Boston. I was happy to see that Cambridge - and in particular Central Square -

looked a bit more developed than when I was there. The one eerie thing about reunions, however, is that you see people from all class reunions - 5, 10, 20, etc. You can't help wondering as you see people from older class years - is that what the future has in store for me?
I'm planning to get more involved with the university as an alum. Hopefully it won't be another 5 years before I make it back.

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